The Ultimate Guide to

Your Site’s

Seismic Hazard

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Soil Characteristics:

Response of a building under a certain earthquake can significantly vary based on the site soil condition. We gathered shear-wave-velocity of upper soil levels (Vs30) from three different sources along with two soil type classifications to estimate the soil type classification at your site location.

Ground Shaking Hazards:

Vibration of ground at a specific site location caused by body waves and surface waves propagated from earthquakes is an important metric that tells the level of hazard at the targeted site location. We used seven probability (of exceedance) levels, three soil type classifications, and four intensity measures to report severity of ground shaking hazard at your site location.

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Hazard Curve and Uniform Response spectrum

Plots showing the relation between ground shaking hazard and probabilities are created to extract as much information as possible for risk assessment and relevant engineering applications.

Seismicity of the Region:

The qualitative ranks of hazard level based on risk-targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) is used as a supplemental measure to better pronounce the importance of seismic hazard at your site location.

Earthquake Catalog and Shake Maps:

Historical events are valuable data that shows whether the existing building experinced any major earthquake during its lifetime as well as how seismicly-active the site is in terms of frequency of occurrence, distance and magnitudes. We collected both historical events within three distance levels from the site and spatial intensity distribution of close major damaging earthquakes.

Nearby Faults and Suface Rupture Hazard:

Proximity of a site to the active faults or even locating on their potential surface rupure zone is a big of concern for site stability. While our embeded map identifies whether the site is located on the surface rupter zone, we also provided distance-sorted nearby faults within the radius of 31, 62 and 93 miles.

Deaggregation of Seismic Hazard

On a particular site, the contribution of various seismic sources reveals valuable information that can be used to define ground shaking scenarios for earthquake risk mitigation application. Dominant seismic sources with their most important parameters such as magnitude, distance, percent contribution, azimuth and epsilon is presented herein.

Based on worldwide statistics, there is a one percent chance of an earthquake causing one million fatalities in the 21st Century. There are only 125 cities in the world where this could occur and 20 of them are in the United States

Liquefaction Hazard and Ground Water Depth

The site stability might be rendered when high elevation of ground water depth on the sandy soils turn to a fluid-like state under seismic excitation. We provided various sources of maps to identify the sevirity of liquefaction hazard for a specific site location. We also collect the ground water depths around the site to estimate the potential liquefaction hazard, which is especially import for the regions without available liquefaction data.

Landslide and Deep-Seated Landslide Susceptibility

The rapid downsolpe of of soil or rock material induced by an earthquake can compromise the overall stability of the site. We used various map sources to identify landslide potential of a particular site. At the same time, we provide deep-seated landslide susceptibility rating based on the soil strength and slope angle for a site, which particularly valuable for the areas without available landslide maps.

Tsunami Hazard

Large water waves induced by induced sea-floor earthqaukes can cause extenisve damage to coastal sites. We gathered the best currently available scientific information and maps to determine the areas that could be exposed to tsunami hazard.

If you have any other question please contact us